Updated: @ 17 Jun 2024 06:50 - next update at 06:55  
Summary / Temperature Wind Rain Outlook
Night time, Dry Its Early Morning,Night time/Dry and it feels Cold outside. The temperature has been rising for the last few hours. There is a Calm from the West north west
Currently: 6.2°C, Max: 9.3°C, Min: 5.9°C 6.2°C


Feels like: 6°C

24-hr difference
1.4°CWarmer 1.4°C than yesterday at this time.
  Today Yesterday
High: 9.3°C
Low: 5.9°C
 Wind from WNW WNW
1.6 km/h
0 Bft - Calm
Today: 5.6 km/h 04:40
Gust Month: 45.0 km/h June 1
Rain Today: 0.0 mm
Rain Rate (/hr): 0.00 mm
Rain Yesterday: 0.0 mm
Storm Rain: 0.0 mm
This Month: 24.8 mm
Season Total: 164.4 mm
4 rain days in June.

Chance rain
Chance rain
Humidity & Barometer Almanac Moon
Humidity: 92 %  
Dew Point: 5.0°C  
Barometer: 1003.1 hPa Rising 0.3  hPa/hr
Baro Trend: Steady
Sunrise: 08:01
Sunset: 16:58
Moonset: 02:41
Moonrise: 13:27
Waxing Gibbous
Waxing Gibbous, Moon at 9 days in cycle
UV Index Solar Radiation
   0.0    None
High: 0.0 @ 00:00
Burntime:   720 mins. 
0 W/m2 (0 %)
High: 0 @  00:00
Sun Today: 00:00
 WXSIM Weather Forecast  - Outlook: Today & Tonight

Chance rain
Chance rain

High: 11°
WXSIM forecast: Cloudy in the morning, becoming dense overcast in the afternoon. Patchy light fog in the morning. A chance of rain in the afternoon. High 11°. Wind west-southwest around 8 kph in the morning, becoming 16 kph, gusting to 27 kph, in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation 40 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm.

Chance rain
Chance rain

Low: 7°
WXSIM forecast: Dense overcast. Patchy light fog. A slight chance of rain in the evening, then a chance of rain after midnight. Low 7°. Wind southwest around 16 kph, gusting to 27 kph, in the evening, becoming 11 kph after midnight. Chance of precipitation 40 percent. Precipitation mostly around 2 mm.
 WXSIM Weather Forecast next 6 days
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